Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes!

Cute 4 year old visitor: "Can I have some of that chocolate?" pointing to a box of chocolate bars our family is selling as a fund raiser for Stedfast Band.

Me: "If you have $2.00 you can, you have to pay before you can have some."

Older brothers front up with $2.00 and wave their chocolate bars around.
Cute 4 year old does the normal "but I want some", "why can't I have some" routine that 4 year olds do. Realising that it is not going to work he delivers one final argument.

Cute, chocolateless 4 year old:"Well anyhow, this isn't a shop, this is a house and you don't pay for food in a house!!"

Me: Can't say anything cos I'm too busy laughing!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Impressions of Easter Camp from a cook's perspective

Loud - groove tent base is unreal
Buzzing - always something happening
Overwhelming - when you see this horde of kids lined up waiting to be fed and still they kept coming
Daunting - when you see the quantity of food needing to be cooked so that 2,800 kids can be fed
Inspiring - when you see how much time and effort and every ounce of energy and more that people give to make this camp happen
Humbling - to know that you have been part of a team of people making the camp happen so that kids lives are changed permanently, and that for many they will look back on this camp as one of the defining moments in their life.
Amazing - to see such a huge crowd so well behaved and with so few crowd problems
Exhausting - are my feet ever going to stop aching?
Incredulous - to be told thatwe managed to get 2,800 kids through the food lines in 17 minutes

We have cooked for Easter Camp for 11 years now and I still count it a privilege to be able to be part of this ministry.