Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes!

Cute 4 year old visitor: "Can I have some of that chocolate?" pointing to a box of chocolate bars our family is selling as a fund raiser for Stedfast Band.

Me: "If you have $2.00 you can, you have to pay before you can have some."

Older brothers front up with $2.00 and wave their chocolate bars around.
Cute 4 year old does the normal "but I want some", "why can't I have some" routine that 4 year olds do. Realising that it is not going to work he delivers one final argument.

Cute, chocolateless 4 year old:"Well anyhow, this isn't a shop, this is a house and you don't pay for food in a house!!"

Me: Can't say anything cos I'm too busy laughing!!!!

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