Saturday, September 16, 2006

What is prayer?

I heard an announcer the other day ask people to ring in and share answers to prayer and it got me thinking - why are they the only sorts of prayer that should be shared?

Doesn't it give people a wrong perception that conversations with God are only to be on a needs basis?

Some of the most significant moments in my christian journey have been the "Be still and know that I am God" type prayer times.

There have been other times when it hits me anew some aspect of God's grace and great love for me and then my prayers can only be full of thanks, wonder awe and praise.

I also like praying just talking to God, sharing stuff with Him, hopes and dreams and disappointments.

There are also times when I definitely do ask for Him to act - but that is only a part of my prayer life and I hope that I never accidentally imply to anyone that prayer requests are all that there is to praying.


blessedchick said...

The other night at my ladies group we were doing a focus on prayer, and how to turn your church into a house of prayer. And how important woman are in prayer and stuff. I know what you mean about prayer, it is such an important part of our lives as Christians but how many people only access this gift of being able to spend time in the presence of God to ask for things. I am very guilty of that.
Would love to finish our conversation we had a McD's sometime.

godsgirl said...

I'll have to have that hot chocolate next week, sorry :( But I have some ideas of where we can go :)

Rayd said...

I find prayer something very hard to do. It seems that when I pray I do tend to have a request in there at some point and those requests are usually fulfilled eventually.

The problem is, it takes time and if I don't write it down then I end up forgetting what I have asked for, how I related to God at that time and where I was at when I asked for it. When I do write it down I can see the results of prayer, the answers, the comfort He gives me. The other problem is sometimes prayers, as an ask, get answered instantly, and when that happens everything else afterwards seems to contradict that answered prayer and everything falls apart.

I don't know the way God works, and I don't ever intend to, but prayer is something I cannot understand because I know it works but I don't know how.

I've actually gone a bit off topic here. Sorry

If not for Christ said...

Hi Rayd,

You're right, there is that aspect of prayer that involves faith and not human understanding.
Because if prayer only involved a set formula to follow to get results then prayer would lose its God centred focus and become very much a "meeting needs" focus.

Having said that - when my kids are home late I am very much into the asking type prayer!

If not for Christ said...

Hey Gods Girl,

Hot chocolate is sounding good - we can always pretend we are on an official chocolate tasting survey starting with ? cafe

If not for Christ said...

Ah Blessed Chick !

Yeah I think we need to continue our conversation too.

It was interesting - after I had got worked up over the announcer's implication I did a mental stocktake of my recent prayer life and was very surprised to find how much I actually did ask God for - and how little I actually was silent to allow God to speak to me. Sometimes the needs around me seem so great and so overwhelming that I forget to keep a "spiritual health" balance in my prayer life.