Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Then and now

Know Me Before You Judge Me

I was thinking the other day (yes, yes, I do think sometimes!) about what church was like when I was just a new christian and it wasn't cool to be anything other than a pentecostal. It felt to me like everyone was competing with each other. Competing to:-

be the most spiritual
attend the most services
be on the most amount of committees
have the most spiritual gifts
Pray the loudest and the longest
Speak in tongues the most
Learn the most memory verses
Have the best behaved kids
Give the most
Done the most witnessing
Attend the largest church
Have the biggest response to altar calls

I'm glad things have changed (although some might argue they haven't really). I really admire the young people and how they can be honest with where they are at - when they are struggling as well as their good times. They will be the better for it.


godsgirl said...

I agree. I used to learn the most memory verses, but can't for the life of me remember them now. I think people get to caught up in the rules of how they should act and what they should do rather than the relationship with God.

Unknown said...

Welcome to da blog world.

Good on you!